Danalock snjalllæsing V3 – Scandi – Homekit

43.027 kr.

Danalock snjalllæsing V3 - Euro - Homekit
Danalock snjalllæsing V3 - Scandi - Homekit 43.027 kr.
Danalock snjalllæsing V3 - Euro - Homekit
Danalock snjalllæsing V3 – Scandi – Homekit
43.027 kr.


Danalock V3 Smartlæsing

Sjálfvirk aflæsing

Nú þarfti ekki lengur að leggja pokana frá þér, Danalock V3 skynjar þegar þú kemur og aflæsir hurðinni fyrir þig. Hægt er að stilla læsinguna þannig að hún læsir sjálfkrafa þegar þú fjarlægist.

Sveigjanleg aðgangsstýring

Veittu öðrum aðgang að íbúðinni, hægt er að fylgjast með stöðu læsingarinnar og stýra læsingu og aflæsingu hvaðan sem ef notuð er tengibrú við internet. Nú þarf ekki lengur að hafa áhyggjur af að gleyma lyklum.

Sem eigandi Danalock V3 getur þú stofnað ótakmarkaðan fjölda aðgangsheimilda, bæði varanlegar heimildir sem og tímaseíttar heimildir, t.d. fyrir ættingja og vini, ræstifólk og iðnaðarmenn. Þá er hægt að fylgjast með hverjir hafa nýtt aðgang sinn hverju sinni.

Langlíf rafhlaða

Rafhlaðan í Danalock endist að jafnaði í 12+ mánuði, eftir notkun. Hægt er að fylgjast með stöðu rafhlöðu með einföldum hætti í appinu.


Enjoy the Convenience of Twist Assist

The Danalock V3 offers you motorized locking assistance with Twist Assist. This function helps you engage the thumb turn.

When you activate this feature, you only need to turn the Danalock a few degrees and the motor will take over, locking or unlocking the door for you.


Samhæft flestum stöðluðum útihurðum

With its country specific adapters, the Danalock V3 is globally compatible. It fits the three most common types of cylinders: oval lock Scandi cylinders, drop-shaped Euro cylinders and US deadbolt locks.

Click on the door that looks like yours for the right mounting guide or read more

Strong Security

The Danalock V3 uses an advanced encryption method for transferring data (AES 256), which is the same encryption technology used by governments and military to keep information secure. The communication between the smart lock and the smartphone is protected by the advanced security protocol TLS 1.2. The digital keys that authenticate the Danalock V3 are stored in a HSM chip that ensures that all keys are exchanged without any private information leaving the chip.

The Smart Home Enabler

Let the Danalock V3 be the trigger of your smart home commands when entering or leaving your home.

Interoperability is the cornerstone of all Danalock products. The Danalock V3 is by far the most versatile and flexible platform available, setting new standards in cross-platform interoperability.

Supports All Integrations

The Danalock platform supports a wide range of integration options for third-party applications. Fully documented SDKs and APIs are available for partners. Danalock partners can integrate with their own commercial platform for their existing mobile apps, business applications or booking systems.

Danalock V3


Product dimensions
59 x 59 x 68 mm / 2 1/2″ x 2 5/6″
Bluetooth 4.2, Z-Wave, Zigbee, Apple HomeKit
Weight (ex. batteries)
4.6 ounces / 130 grams
Encryption level
256bit AES
4 CR123A batteries
Average battery life
approx. 1 year of battery life
ABS + anodized aluminum

Certificates for Danalock V3 can be downloaded here

Danalock V3

Samanburður á útgáfum læsingarinnar

   Bluetooth Homekit Bluetooth & Zigbee Bluetooth & Z-wave
Samhæft Danalock Appi fyrir iOS (12.4 og nýrra)
og Android (5.1 og nýrra)
Only compatible with Danalock app (iOS) for locking and unlocking. Set up and operate the Danalock with Apple’s Home app.
check check 
Samhæft stöðluðum hurðum (Scandi, Euro og US) check check check check
Aukið öryggi með AES 256 algórithma dulkóðuðun (Scandi, Euro og US) check ChaCha20+Poly1305 algorithms are used for this version check 
Via Bluetooth Zigbee applies AES 128
Via Bluetooth Z-wave applies AES 128
Möguleiki á sjálfvirkri aflæsingu check
Only Apple’s automation features are available
check  check
Samhæft Danabridge V3 check check 
With Danalock app
With Danalock app
Samhæft Danapad V3 check check 
With Danalock app
With Danalock app
Samhæft Apple Watch   check
Siri raddstýring   check
Möguleiki á sjálfvirkri læsingu check check 
With click commands
check check
Hold Back Latch check check 
With click commands
check  check 
Snerilhjálp check check 
With click commands
check check
Hægt að fjarstýra


With the Danabridge hardware

Only with Apple gateways
With the Danabridge hardware, or a compatible Zigbee Smart Home hub
With the Danabridge hardware, or a compatible Z-wave Smart Home hub
Deila stafrænum aðgangi með öðrum check
Only by sharing access to your HomeKit
check check 
Samhæft Amazon Alexa  


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